Sunday, April 17, 2011

A clear sign...

I just wrote this in an email...

I think we all struggle with getting to know who we are, finding out what really validates us, understanding the ways we relate to people and what brings us down or lifts us up. We get mired in patterns that are comfortable and familiar but unhealthy or unhelpful, and I think one of the functions of real maturity is being able to step back and observe that and adjust our course accordingly. Turning that rudder, unfortunately, can be really hard work, but it also shows us so much.
Blah, blah, blah. 
This is a clear indication that I need to be blogging more. Otherwise I start writing crap like this in random emails. I obviously need an outlet for my blathering on...


Anonymous said...

Back home in Tennesseeee---and 'blathering' sometimes is necessary---

but add in 'funnies' as in words about The Cat and Maggie---

They probably 'blah blah' about you to themselves. hehehe

Enjoy Carol

penguinshrink said...

Yet somehow it's been a week since that post... ;)

(I know how time gets away from us all.)

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