Monday, October 22, 2007


I? Am so, so tired.

I started Neurology today. It's okay. My team seems nice enough. We had a really busy day.

So I was supposed to have this nice, get-acquainted sort of day, right? We didn't have a psych intern on the Neurology service last month. I'm on call tomorrow, which makes me pre-call today, which, when combined with the fact that I'm not following someone else should have meant that I didn't have any patients to see. Right?

Err, maybe not...

Allegedly, there's pretty much always an anesthesia intern on the service as well. And the one who left was supposed to sign out his patients to the one who was incoming. All good, right?


No anesthesia intern showed up today.


It turns out there is no anesthesia intern this month, but there's a Physical Med and Rehab guy, who isn't showing up until tomorrow. So suddenly I went from this nice, casual day of having no patients to follow, helping out, getting oriented and maybe even leaving a little early so I could go replace the tuning fork and reflex hammer I can't find (at least I bought a penlight yesterday), to suddenly having six patients I knew nothing about to round on. Using a computer system I don't know. In a hospital system I don't know. On a service about which I know nothing (although, as my best friend points out, who really does know anything useful about neurology?).

I made it through, got things done, even discharged one. And spent an inordinate amount of time on the phone with the help desk. And although I didn't exactly get out early, I made it home in time to take Maggie to the boarder (I have to take her tonight, because I have to leave home tomorrow about an hour before they open. And she'll be there until 5 on Wednesday because I won't get home in time to pick her up during the morning pickup hours. I'm working on a dog sitter...).

Stressed. Me. OUT, today did.

I guess we'll see how call goes tomorrow. I'm told their call isn't too bad. I'll believe it when I see it...

...only 252 more days, 4 hours, and 5 minutes....


Barb Matijevich said...

Oh, Man. I can't even imagine how nerve wracking this all is. I guess I better go look up Neurology so I know exactly what you'll be doing. But see, I, too, am just really tired all of a sudden.

Rest for both of us, okay?

Just so you know, there is no way I'll get that word verification on the first try.

Anonymous said...

You can do it. And if it helps you feel any better, you can go by your box on call and pick up your evaluation sheet for Dr. Asshole. So when you're feeling overwhelmed on call you can ream the crap out of him! :)

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