Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Gratuitous Funny

Just, because.

It's from one of the local auto conglomerates down here. They have a whole series of them. This one's my favorite.

I'm on call again tomorrow night. Last time I got such excellent calls as:

1. Scabies in prisoner row

2. Mr. X was having "chest pain." When I got upstairs, Mr. X was sound asleep in the dayroom, and as it turned out, he was just afraid of his roommate and more likely wanted his room changed.

3. A kid in long-term adolescent had a zit (it's not actually quite as ridiculous as it sounds, but, for the purposes of this blog, oh, it totally is).

4. "The patient has an upset stomach and she wants Pepto-Bismol, but I don't want to give her any because I know she's just trying to manipulate meds out of the doctors." Well, that may be the case, but, I'm sure as hell not going to fight her over Pepto.

5. "Hurry, the patient is unresponsive!" So I get on my sweater, I put on my pagers...and I get paged again: "Never mind. She was just asleep. She's cussing me out now. She's okay."

6, and my personal favorite. "It's 2:30 in the morning, and the patient just got to the floor, and he doesn't want to take his stool softener. Is that okay, doc?"

Yeah, yeah, that's really fine with me.


Barb Matijevich said...

You do know that you couldn't make that shit up, right?

I think I have a zit coming on, too. But I've already TAKEN my Pepto Bismal.

Barb Matijevich said...

Look, dammit, it did it again! I had to write something like GRAVEBDBG and the person after me is getting "pvsit."

Do you think I have a persecution complex or is this truly a targeted campaign?

Paige said...

I LOVE that commercial, I have no idea why but it absolutely kills me.

Valerie said...

I liked the commercials, they were cute. On the "on call" side, it sounds like the staff is mellowing out a bit as the number of nonsense calls seem to be diminishing. That happens when the staff comes to know, like, and trust you. An so Barb does not feel picked on, I had to type azqkqpnl.

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