Sunday, May 09, 2010

In other news...

I don't know what it is about this post, but it's generated more nasty anonymous comments than any other post I've written. I didn't think I said anything especially inflammatory, in context. And I feel like it's a total "kick me when I'm down" thing to be so randomly nasty about a post wherein I said, "wow, I'm really feeling shitty today. Lots of bad things happened." Not to mention, uh, that was over two years ago.


Then again, I might be a little bit sensitive these days. I went the hell off of my old personal trainer's employer yesterday because they're trying to screw me to the tune of $658 above and beyond the six months of membership fees they owe me because they were not supposed to deduct them from my bank account and did anyway. Went. Off.

Then again (again), maybe it's about time I got mad at people being ugly to me. It's long been one of the things I do most poorly. Apparently the stress of the current situation is getting my "don't fuck with me" riled up...


penguinshrink said...

They ought to know better than to mess with the Greek gals...

Allison said...

So, you've had one hell of a run lately, and I really hope that it slows down for you and your folks. You were in my prayers today, and you continue to be in my thoughts as you hopefully approach some kind of even keel. And, for the record, you are a kick-ass daughter, and a kick-ass doctor, and a kick-ass friend, and a kick-ass writer. So, give 'em hell.

Anonymous said...

I had a mean anonymous poster commenting on my blog when I was pregnant. She was a breastfeeding nazi. When I turned off the ability to make anon comments, she just registered for an account under the name "noneofurbusiness".
None of these comments sicne then, but I think people are starting to realize that it's lame to do that.

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