Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sheesh, that must've been a long nap...

Have I really not posted since Thursday? Holy cow. Sorry about that...

It's been quite a weekend. Had a nice dinner out with friends on Friday, which was the perfect end to a CRAZY day. My friend Mary brought her baby, who's like three months old, and he provided excellent "snorgles."

My dad's back home in Chicago this weekend, supervising the packing efforts on their house. Robin headed up and organized the troops, who were Claudia, Brett, Robin, Ali and Jer, my mom's boss and coworker, and a bunch of my crazy Greek aunties. I hear there were great piles of donated things, lots of good memories relived, and much serenading of the moving crew by my aunt Lynn. They got the whole place packed up! In the middle of this, I also got a package from my mom's work, where they took up a collection for my mom and helped defray the cost of the move. Amazing!!

My mom and I were of course still here in the North Cack. We had a good time this weekend. Yesterday my mom went to coffee with me, and out to lunch with some of my friends. She also spent all of yesterday afternoon and much of today at my house, which is no small achievement, given the number of stairs she had to climb to get into my place (I'm working on getting ramps this week). She helped me unpack and we got almost the whole first floor unpacked (which is helpful because there's a bunch of stuff coming to me from Chicago on Thursday). We had a lot of fun, actually. We also got a lot done.

It was a nice weekend. It was a busy weekend. It was a stressful weekend. It was a productive weekend. And it was capped off by this, which appeared outside Shady Pines as I was leaving today...

It doesn't show up well in this cell phone shot, but that's actually a very sharp double rainbow. It was a full, perfect arc.

I think it's going to be a good week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like it has been a bunch of nice days which ended with a nice weekend---with your mom.

A bonus will be a nice week starting today----and of course that rainbow tells us 'things are looking up'

oh yeah, glad to hear about your 'ventures'.
Enjoy Carol

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