Thursday, June 21, 2007

He who throws mud loses ground

Okay, so, not two weeks ago, I paid a ridiculous amount of money for this scrawny ass (although very nice) woman in black to dye my hair. Typically I do this myself, but I'd just gotten it all hacked off, and the girl who cut it convinced me that a professional colorist could really make my color "pop" (that was for you, Barb), and so I popped myself into Scrawny's chair the next day and said, make it red again, please, Adriana cut all the red off yesterday, and though it might not be what grows in, I'm a redhead. I'm thinking, sassy red, maybe some kicky blonde highlights. Go. She gives me this whole speech about deepening my natural color (which, at current, is a dishwater-y blonde-ish sandy sort-of-kind-of-maybe-brown-ish into which I monochromatically disappear), warming it up with some red tones, foiling in a full head of lighter highlights, blah, blah, blah. She then starts on the back of my head. She gets two foils in. One falls out. She freaks out a little, keeps talking about not realizing how textured my hair was when she started. She puts another foil in. She runs me over to the shampoo sink, rinses everything out, starts all over again. I end up with exactly two foils on my head, producing two small blonde highlights at the front of my hair.

My hair, which is unquestionably, undeniably, brown.

So what am I doing as I write this? Sitting here on my living room floor, with the contents of a box of L'Oreal Natural Match in color 4R on my head. Cost? $8.99. I'm overdying the professional's dye job.

Would I go back to her if I still lived there? No way. Have I told my local friends, if you get this chick, be very demanding? You bet. Am I a bitch because I'm not just quietly and complacently going along with something I don't like? No. No I am not.

And neither is Sarah.

For those of you who haven't been following what's been going down on her blog, what it ultimately boils down to is that, she stated an opinion. She has, since then, been getting blatantly harassed.

Now, some people have been able to state contrasting opinions in a respectful manner, and to those people I say, way to go. That's the point of this whole First Amendment experiment after all, isn't it? Interestingly, the owner of the yarn store about which she stated this opinion commented on her post. She had a very nice attitude about the whole thing. And good for her.

But then there's the juvenile delinquents (and I'm not necessarily referring to their calendar age). You know, people, when you "stand up" for an entity, you make yourself a representative of said entity. And the kind of petty, immature behavior that's been exhibited over there does not reflect well on this shop. Which makes the rest of the yarn community think twice about going there. We don't think, wow, look how dedicated their customers are. We think, what jackasses. And you lose them business. Not to mention the damage you're doing to your own karma. And the fact that you're being mean and hurtful to someone who's done nothing to warrant it. So knock it off.

And go read The Harlot's post about how, hello, you are in public, here.

I actually have a whole other post half written on much the same phenomena; I'll save that for my next rant. Stay tuned...


Barb Matijevich said...

Please tell me that the whole post the Harlot wrote and all that flaming and nastiness and other furor was not sparked by one graduate student's refusal to pay $5 to sit and knit. Please.

Does EVERYONE have anger management problems?

I want to see the red hair and how it pops in the space. (Thanks for the nod --made me laugh out loud.)


Sarah said...

Pretty sure it wasn't me - but the timing was oddly appropriate.
Thanks for the back up! Can't wait for the rest of the post.

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