Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Dear little white cells of mine -

Listen, if you could step it up in there, that'd be great. Because frankly, I've had enough of this.

I'm so done with being sick.

I think I have bronchitis. I made Peng listen to my lungs today at work. And then emailed my doctor, "Peng says my lungs are clear. She's a real doctor and everything."

And then Peng declared that I need to quit dying, dammit. And, as she noted, since she said "dammit" I have to obey.

Then again, as Matt was quick to point out (helpful man that he is), physical exam alone will miss a pneumonia 50% 0f the time.

Matt also looked through my clinic files today and declared that he does think I'm more anal than he is. And let me tell you, my friends, that is a high-set bar. He then mocked my lung-hocking cough. So I punched him in the arm. So then he pulled my pigtails.

No, wait, that was second grade...that was something else entirely...

Meanwhile, Ruthie was running around the office today in a tizzy. She was behind in clinic, she was on call tonight, it was a day of chaos for her. I felt bad. Apparently not bad enough, though, to not point out her inefficient habits when she complained about clinic running late (I wasn't as blunt as all that, and in fact, was pointing out that she needs to hold her boundaries and respect her own needs over those of the clinic, the patients who show up forty minutes late and are super demanding, our supervisors who are also making demands, her office mates who label her compulsive need for completeness as "inefficiency"....). But then, I always was a bitch.

Heh. I love how our patients think we're all "normal" and shit...

So I rescheduled my day tomorrow and am staying in bed and mainlining orange juice and trying for the life of me to stop being sick (dammit). So maybe I'll have something less stream of consciousness and more insightful to say then. Meanwhile, I'm going to bed.

Oh, but, my dad's knee culture didn't grow anything, so they're probably throwing him out tomorrow after PT. No surgery, no antibiotics, but with closer ortho follow up. So that's a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel better. Check out the doggie vids on my blog. They will make you laugh. My baby is a lot like you- she adores dogs. Have a great day tomorrow.

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