Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wagons ho...

I think I'm packed. I mean, mostly. You know, except for the stuff I actually have to use in the morning.

Maggie's all depressed. She gets really anxious when I start pulling out suitcases. Currently, she's asleep on my pillow. I don't have the heart to make her move yet.

So, it's 11:25. I have to get up at 5am tomorrow, because my aunt is picking me up at 6. I think I've finally got everything together. I have two carry ons and one bag to check. And a freakin' lot of yarn. And two clinic notes and seven discharge summaries left to write, despite the amount of stuff I actually did get accomplished today.

Maybe the plane to Hawaii will have wi-fi....


Dubai Jazz said...

where to Doc?

Enjoy your well-earned vacation!

Dubai Jazz said...

oops, totally missed the last line. :P

Anonymous said...

Most important items: undies and yarn-------

Have fun!
enjoy enjoy Carol

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