Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Still way too tired

Although I did get one hell of a good nap this afternoon. Which is excellent, because I'm still not sleeping. I did get a referral to the sleep clinic yesterday, though...

Mags and I had a long but lovely day. We went to the coffee shop this am and then went and hung out with Maggie's boyfriend, Crazy Eddie, and of course his person, Jenny, who also made me wicked good breakfast. Maggie twisted her paw a little funny, but she seems to be fine now. We stopped and got hamburgers on the way home; I was a little disappointed in mine, so Maggie got a good chunk of it as well as her own.

I took a nap this afternoon (did I mention the awesome nap? It was almost as good as a post-call nap). Crazy Eddie obviously wore Mags out, because she's been sound asleep on one bed or another (mine, hers, the guest room, whatever) pretty much since we finished lunch. I also did some actual cleaning (I can see my kitchen counters for the first time in months). And I made plane reservations. My mom is a bit under the weather, and of course my dad is still recovering from their "vacation" down here when he got the insider's view of my place of business. So I'm going up north for the next ten days to sort stuff out (and mostly to reassure myself that everyone's actually fine). I leave Thursday at quarter to dark in the morning. My aunt down here is taking me to the airport, and then my uncle (my actual, genetic uncle, who is attached to a whole different aunt) is picking me up. I'm not sure I can do 10 days in just a carryon, but I might try.

One of these days, I'm going to have some vacation time that is actually less stressful than my job...


Claudia said...

I suspect a trip to a certain Eurasian country would be a far less stressful use of your vacation time.

Tiny Tyrant said...

You will do anything to get out of going to the post office, won't you honey?

I hope your parental units are fine.


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