Sunday, June 08, 2008

But hey, progress is progress

I had a good lesson in Southern Living today. I got up, let the dog out, changed into my crappy clothes. I went over to our clinic manager's house to pick up some boxes she had set aside for me. I figured, okay, drop in, pick up boxes, come home, get to work, whoo! Except, see here's the part I missed. You don't drop in and pick something up in the South. You have to set a while, visit. Have a beverage. Hear amusing stories about the cat. Go over and meet the neighbor's dog.

I loved it, I totally loved it. She's a good egg. And her husband's very nice. And the neighbor's dog, I must admit, was awfully cute with his new haircut.

But I'm still adjusting to this Southern pace. I've just finally gotten the habit down of asking for my tea "unsweet."

And I have to ask...will I eventually stop sweating this much?? None of the folks who live here seems to sweat as much as I do while doing absolutely nothing except standing. And apparently, condensing. Blech.

So then my aunt came over today and we packed and packed and packed. Well, mostly she packed, I sorted. Here's the pile of stuff headed for donation. No, not the bed, but there's a whole bunch of furniture not in this picture that's headed for either the charity truck or various friends' homes.

I know, right? That whole other side of the bed is full of bags and stuff, too.

Here's what the office looks like, though:

Packed and ready for prime time.

There's not a whole lot left in my room, and, well, you've seen the spare bedroom. The downstairs still has a lot of stuff. But, there's tomorow, and Thursday. And I might get something done postcall on Wednesday.

But, we're getting there....

PenguinShrink brought me more boxes and some newspapers, and then we went to the Red Robin for dinner (best. fried cheese. ever). And now it's so very time for bed....although, it's hot in my house. I'm not entirely sure why.

I'm tired.

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