Monday, August 18, 2008


You ever get a word just stuck in your head? This is the one wedged in mine today. No, I don't know why. A plutocrat is a member of a ruling class that's determined by wealth. A plutocracy, as it were. So, I have no idea why that's rattling around in my cranium.

Seriously. I'm not the only one that has this problem, right?

I remember having a conversation with Kate when we were in college, about how she always had a song playing in her brain, and every now and then it would just revert back to a "default" song, which at the time, was that tinny little circus melody that you would know if you heard it but I can't sing it to you on a blog (and "de de de-de-de-de deet de deee de" isn't very helpful).

I was so relieved to hear that someone else did that, too.

There's always a song in my head. Always. I have this weird sort of multi-channel brain...and apparently one is a music channel. Sometimes a particular song is there for obvious reasons. Sometimes I have no earthly idea why it's there. Sometimes I don't even know what the hell song it is - I occasionally just have a phrase or a vague melodic idea. Mostly, though, it's a verse or a stanza.

I know. It's weird up in my head. You don't have to tell me that, I live here.

At the moment I have this line playing in my head:

My day's filled with mistakes, some that I didn't make, I carry them around.

It's from a song called 10,000 Stones by a woman named Adrianne, apparently. This one at least makes sense - it was playing in the background of the episode of One Tree Hill I was just watching. The first line - that line - caught my attention. You know how I'm a sucker for really good lyrics. I also like the chorus:

10,000 stones hanging deep in my heart
No, I don't know how they don't tear me apart
How could I ever believe
10,000 stones would build the best of me?

I identify with that. I think it's kind of profound.

(Claudia's out there rolling her eyes at me. She may not be the only one. Hey, profound is an individual thing, you know?)


I also feel the need to point out that I don't actually watch One Tree Hill very often. Or, okay, this is the first time I've watched it. Because I was reminded last week that it's filmed in the coastal town where I spend my Thursdays. Which, dude, it really is! That's kind of cool.

Is it wrong of me, by the way, that I'm kind of hoping TS Fay will spin up this way before Thursday morning and ground my plane? I like going coastal, and I think I'm not going for something like the next three weeks because of the call schedule, but I also could just really use a real day off.

I'm so very post-call, by the way. In case you missed that. Not that I didn't sleep last night (Peng rocks). But, well, I did sleep on the floor of our office. While trying not to sleep through any pages this time. And then there was Ed the Drunk Guy who's been calling the crisis pager all weekend, who somehow also got through to me, who wept and told me how much he trusted all of us and told me at least six times that his dad had cancer and his sister had a double mastectomy or that his sister had cancer and his dad had a double mastectomy or something, I wasn't really listening. Not that I didn't feel bad for the guy, but you know what? You can only listen to some old drunk guy for so long before he just totally stops making sense.

Today was a day with so much potential...see above re: full night of sleep. I left the hospital, ignored the parking ticket I got for leaving my car in a lot that's open on the weekends but apparently wasn't this morning, got gas, went to Starbucks, went to the Whole Foods, spent a ridiculous amount of money, had a little moment of "What the hell did I buy, diamond crusted strawberries???", came home, and was thinking about getting a move on my day when Mike called wanting to park in my driveway (he, also, gave up his parking privileges this year. He has scooter plans; I have walk/bike plans. Sparrow never has paid to park at the hospital). So I had to chat with him, and then I had to rescue Maxine (who, later, dug her way under the gate and escaped from our yard, a-HEM), and then...well...then I just kind of ran out of oomph. I spent most of the rest of the day lying on my bed reading. Or watching TV. Or out retrieving Maxine. I did manage to get the groceries put away, at least, and get the fruit washed. And I made pasta for dinner, which I promptly dumped into the sink when I was trying to strain it. So then I went out and got some dinner....


I should really go to bed....


Lil Kate said...

I do what I can to help you feel normal. ;) I'm sure it happens to other people, they just don't admit it.

DK said...

Look! It actually let you comment! YAY!

Anonymous said...

I get the word, "Wachovia" stuck in my head.

Barb Matijevich said...

I always have a song in my head. Lately, it's been "You're Not From Texas."


A REAL lot.

But right at this second? It's the Star Spangled Banner.

Because my girls have been at each others' throats all day today. Ever since this morning, when they developed competing serious illnesses (I did take Jane's temperature and she WAS .4 up from normal. Therefore, she WINS the sick kid contest. Nanny nanny boo boo.) and managed to convince me NOT to get them out of the house to go swimming or anything else active that might have worked off their excessive summer hatefulness.

But currently? In utter, utter sibling toture brilliance, Ana has launched a new offensive by singing The Star Spangled Banner over and over again and annoying the SHIT out of everyone.

But it would be unpatriotic to complain.

She's gooooooddddd. She's very good. But if she flats that high note again, I'm leaving home. Forever. (SO drinking a rum and coke right at this moment.)

Robin said...

Yeah- That whole One Tree Hill thing is something you shouldn't admit to. The show does have good music. Not that I... um ... watch it or anything. :-)

Paige said...

I get the word in my head, but even worse, I have to spell it over and over again. I still remember a 5th grade basketball game where I was on the word "synopsis" and I had to spell it with every dribble. Not only is that wrong with me, I must have a touch of the OCD

There has to me meds for this kind of thing, doesnt there, Dr Kate?

Anonymous said...

There's meds for everything.

Anonymous said...

I knew exactly what you meant with the de-des. Does that make me odd?

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