Sunday, December 23, 2007

And as long as we're frequenting YouTube

A couple of my other favorites...

Take away the snow, make the moose a farmhouse, and change the wreath to a bag of beach stuff, and this is more or less me, on the way to the Intern Retreat on Topsail Island, shortly after my GPS navigator dropped me in the middle of a cornfield somewhere in Deliverance Back Woods, NC.

And then add a lot of hysterical screaming into the phone as my parents tried to Mapquest me from Chicago and I just kept getting more and more lost. I'm not especially proud of that moment, but did I mention the burning crosses?

(Yes, of course there were no actual burning crosses. Much like there was absolutely no chance whatsoever of me hitting the seventeen year old renal failure kid in the last post. It's called dramatic license, people, calm down.)

And, as long as we're talking holiday commercials, this one just cracks me up.


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