Thursday, December 27, 2007

What is wrong with me?


So...from the creators of NaBloPoMo comes Blog 365. Like NaBloPoMo, you commit to posting every day. Except, for the entire year of 2008.

Well, February 29th, it turns out, is a free day.

And, the rules are a little bit more flexible. Like, they allow for post-dating your postings (on the assumption, of course, that if you can't get to a computer that day you'll do some "old school blogging" - i.e., with a piece of paper and one of those writey-type things that we so rarely use anymore...which, you know, given my doctor's handwriting and general inability to spell on a consistent basis, may not be such a bad advancement - and then transfer your content to your blog). And if you maintain more than one blog, as long as you put a post up every day, you're golden, even if it's not always on the same blog. Not that I have more than just this one, but, I'm sayin'.

I, of course, read the email and went, hmm, sure, sign me up.

Why did that seem like a good idea?

I'm genuinely stumped by this. And, I don't really know why, I mean, it's not a bad idea (although, honestly, I'm not sure I really understand why anybody at all reads this thing), but, what's the point? As my best friend so eloquently pointed out in November, it's not like blogging is endangered or something. It's not like I actually get paid to blog, although there are some people who do. And I'm not like "blogging for the cure" or whatever. I'm not even a theme blogger, so, it's not like I'm trying to get my message out or anything - most of the time I just write whatever drivel dribbles out of my head. So, what's the point of doing Blog 365? Some competitive and/or compulsive tendency of mine? Some form of narcissism or self-importance? Maybe a reach for connection? An attempt at stability or control? Or possibly a need to be heard? Which, considering how much I censor myself on here...

And don't get me wrong, I ask this out of genuine curiosity, not self-critical scrutiny. It's possibly a query about what blogging really represents to me. I just wonder.

And no, I don't expect you to have the answer.


Neen said...

I'm doing it because I am a tad bit crazy and it is something I really think I can keep up with. How many of our New Year resolutions do we keep anyways?

I think blogging is sort of cathartic for me, being a stay at home mom I need to get things out sometimes.

Good luck!

Tiny Tyrant said...

Oh my gosh you are totally whacked my dear ;-).

I'm happy if I manage to blog once a week.

I don't need people seeing just how boring my life really is in spite of 3 dogs, 4 cats, a turtle, 2 crabs and a husband. lol

Barb Matijevich said...

I don't know, dude. Because I got that e-mail and I immediately deleted it. 365 days of Barb is too much for me, much less people who don't live in my head.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong with YOU. Cause you are making gals giggly, happy, curious and interested in your "Bloggie life" over there.

Let me introduce myself. Lorna's Mom who enjoys your "stuff". Blame her for this intrusion as she put you on my computer.

Happy New Year and may it be quiet on your job

Anonymous said...

I hope you do blog every day, I enjoy reading about your adventures at work, and although I don't knit, it's nice to hear about somthing someone has a passion for. It's also nice to hear someone else thinks they have the greatest dog on earth!

Paige said...

I love reading your stuff--it is nice to know that other people have as crazy of a life as I do--so I hope you blog every day.

Sarah said...

It will make internet-stalking you a lot easier.

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