Monday, December 03, 2007

Natural Selection

Oyyyy, what a day.

I get in to work this morning and discover that I've acquired four new patients onto my team, which is a LOT of new people to work up, just take my word for it. I nearly turned and ran right then. And it brings my grand total to thirteen. All of whom are annoyingly high maintenance.

But then I went to morning report, only to hear this completely ridiculous of my patients and one of Dr. C's patients were discovered this weekend sticking a paper clip into an electrical outlet. I'm not kidding. Apparently my patient had a cigarette (which is big ol' contraband on our unit - we're strictly smoke free) and so they were trying to heat up the paper clip or create fire or something - you know, so they could light the cigarette - so they stuck the paper clip in the electrical outlet. And then, when all they succeeded in doing was shorting out all of the electricity in their room, they did it AGAIN and shorted out all the electricity in the hallway.

Just. Effing. Brilliant.

The charge nurse said, this morning, "It's a miracle they didn't kill themselves."

Something like that.

Just...I....d''s a shame you can't medicate away the stupid.


Anonymous said...

I might have used a word other than "miracle". It may have begun with a "sh" sound, and rhymed with "blame", Maybe...

Anonymous said...

the paper clip thing works! Patients on the rehab unit I worked on for a while pulled that one all the time. If done correctly, the clip glows red after a while and you can light a smoke from it! You have to stick it in the correct side of the outlet apparently though. They told me they learned it in jail. Nice huh?

Barb Matijevich said...

I'm just getting caught up on your blog after my NY trip (which resulted in buyer's remorse for a house I didn't even buy, thus proving an earlier point of yours about women being crazy.)

I guess it's good that you can't medicate stupidity because teenagers would ALL be on drugs. Teenagers and Ex-wives. And home sellers. And mortgage bankers...

Okay, maybe just me.

PS: Have you noticed that Blogger took away the part where you get to say what your URL is? Why would they do that?

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