Happy Easter to all of you for whom it is, in fact, Easter.
Orthodox Easter follows Passover, so our Lent just barely started. I remember when I was little, my mom used to refer to Roman Easter as "Pagan Easter", which I didn't realize was a dig. So I wandered around referring to it as such for years. Heaven only knows how many of my grade school teachers I offended with that one.
And for those of you who are actually Pagan, well, happy equinox and happy Spring.
I tried to run errands today, but it turned out the only place I needed to go that was open was PetSmart. Where I needed to go because my dog walker left me a big note yesterday saying "NEED TREATS!!!"
So I went for treats. And here's what I got:
The treats are Maggie's very favorite. I suspect they're probably tasty, but I think the bigger point is that they're round, and they roll across the floor (you know, when I roll them across the floor), and then you can chase them, and pounce on them, and they're lots of fun. So I'm walking to the checkout counter, and I pass this display for something called the Furminator.
Wow. I so incredibly love this thing.
Mags was a little apprehensive at first, but afterwards was sort of like, ooooh. Yeah. Oh, brush a little more. And then after we spent about a half hour sitting outside brushing and brushing and brushing, she was like, okay, thanks, that's enough.Holy Oh My Gosh, there was so much hair.
Sadly, I didn't get a picture of Maggie with all the undercoat hair all over her, but I can show you pictures of the fallout.
There were little Maggie hair tumbleweeds everywhere.SO MUCH HAIR.
And a lucky cricket who just happened to be passing by.
Seriously. If you own a dog, who has fur that sheds, you need to go get one of these rightnow. (a Furminator, not a lucky cricket. Although...). PetSmart is open right now. Go, go.Maggie says, get some treats while you're at it.
Meanwhile, we've gotten some random chores done and now we're watching Eight Below, which I taped off of Starz a long time ago. Maggie likes all the barking, I think. I always cry so hard at this movie. So hard. Maggie keeps trying to remind me that they're actor dogs and that me sobbing uncontrollably when Old Jack and Dewey die, or when Max gets lost, she says it's just silly.
She's probably right.
Lol. I wonder if your mom knew how little of a "dig" that really was. (Iow, so much of Easter was taken from pagans anyway)
I just got finished posting about how my own mom called it "heathen easter".
Dude, you're crying at a Paul Walker movie. You sure you want to be blogging about that?
Maggie usually is...
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