Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So...I'm posting my previous post...and I think, hmm, it's almost September, what is today, anyway? It's the twenty-sev.....wait....ohhhhhhhh, bad Kate.....

My dear and darling friend Bianca has been thirty for a WEEK now. A week!!!!! And I...well, I'll be honest, I didn't forget your birthday, but I kind of forgot what day it was.


Hope it was awesome. I'm sorry I missed it. Among other things I miss?? You!!!

(Bianca likes orange and green. It's the least I could do.)


Lil Kate said...

When you say "last post" are you talking for the day? Or forever? :(

DK said...

Previous. My previous post.

Julie Hoover said...

I hope its not your last post...whose blog will I stalk if not yours???

DK said...

It's not, I promise.

And to avoid further confusion, I edited the post (which, if you're coming in late, originally said "So...I'm posting my last post..and I think...").

I feel so loved.

Julie Hoover said...

Thats the best news I've had all day...

f8ed 2 1der said...

Oh! My very own post!? Thank you! Thank you! Please don't worry about forgetting... we've been so busy with house stuff that even I feel like I missed it....oh well. Thus is life... Oh and thanks for the colors too!! I knew right away I was going to really enjoy this post! As always! We really miss you too!! Speaking of which when are you due back in town? Soon I hope!

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