Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Food coma

So I went to Peng and Chef's for dinner tonight. Chef has this theory that I hate him (not really), because every time the two of them invite me to do something with them, I say no. Which is not entirely true, but the point of fact is that Chef has Mondays and Tuesdays off, and I don't like to stay out late on school nights. So when I'm up for mayhem, he's at work, and it ends up being just me and Peng (or me, Peng, and other people who aren't Chef). This is rather sad, because I do actually like Chef quite a bit. And Peng works within smacking distance of me, so I see her regularly, so I don't miss her much if I am lame and don't play with them on Monday or Tuesday nights.

But, I have no patients again tomorrow (counting down the days until real life hits...), and it's more or less my last free Tuesday for a while, so I suggested we all get together tonight. I actually suggested we go out, because Chef chefs for a living, after all, and it IS his day off. And I don't especially like to do therapy on my days off, so I can give the guy a break, you know? But, no, he likes his job more than I like mine, apparently, and insisted on cooking. Which I will never turn down. Chef made chicken and fried rice, which were awesome, and I'm very glad they talked me into taking home the leftovers. And then the three of us hung out and watched three hours of the Food Network and chatted and kibbitzed and had a generally lovely time.

But now I'm home. And full. And sleepy. It's lovely...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HMM! why is it the people we enjoy so much ----we don't share same life schedules

or worse

live far away- - - - -

time for recipe sharing of Chef's chicken?

Enjoy Carol

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