Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oh, the longness of days....

Okay, that's one thing I'm definitely looking forward to about going back to State Hospital on Monday. Shorter days. No coming home and finishing notes for three hours. Rahoo.

::sigh:: I'm on call again tomorrow. At least it's only until 10. And it's my last call with the current second years. Next month I'm on alone, at State Hospital, and then when I come back in July I'm...ready for it?...on with my classmates.

I'm so tired...and there's a dog that needs snuggling, because she was kind of pukey before I left this morning. Although she did steal half my biscuit when I got home. Let her back in the house - I was totally going to share! - and the next thing I know, I turn around from locking the door, and she's hiding in her crate with the rest of my dinner.

It's a darn good thing she's so cute.


Anonymous said...

Her expressions are hilarious

Tiny Tyrant said...

Hehe. Yep separated at birth, she and Scrat were.

Scrat has the Who me?/Guilty together look down pat.

Hugs hun. You need a break.

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