Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wow. That sucked.

Last night was kind of evil.

We got slammed last night. Slammed. We had so many patients. Oyyyy.

I was on call with June, which was at least a good thing. Sometime around 4am, she turns and looks at me and is like, I'm going to the cafeteria, you want anything? I said, know, I'm dying over here, so maybe a Coke, but I'd kind of like something more substantial... She says, you want eggs? Pancakes? French toast? Breakfast starts at 3:30 around here. I told her to surprise me. She brought me French Toast. It was okay. Well, for hospital French Toast at 3:30 in the morning, it so totally rocked.

And at least it was an equally divided rough night, which I really appreciate about June. Usually, the division of labor is that the intern covers the ER, the crisis pager, and on the weekends, the floor calls, while the second year does inpatient consults and direct admissions, and helps out the intern if there are too many people in the ER. But last night, there were so many people to see that the status quo sort of went out the window. June saw five people in the ER, I saw six, I did a direct admission, whatever. I also had a woman crumping on the floor, who had a Rapid Response called on her this morning when I was about to leave. Oyyy.

This was June and my workstation by the time we were getting ready to give signout this morning.
Count the caffeinated beverages...

Oh, and speaking of things that suck, check out this article from the local newspaper. It's the latest in a series of front-page articles about how ridiculous this whole New State Hospital thing is about to become. It's slated to open in three weeks...incidentally, that's in the middle of my State Hospital month. They're supposed to move the same weekend I am. I have a bad feeling this is going to be a giant disaster...

Meanwhile, I'm going to go back to bed. Because I get to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

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