Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Coming soon to a blog near me...

So, I initially was going to post a link to a very funny site that I stumbled across tonight in my oh-geez-I-can't-move, post-Gomer, laying-like-a-big-lump-ness (work was long and crazy. Oh, so, so crazy. Gomer, whom I haven't seen in two weeks because he was off at the beach and then I was moving, apparently felt the need to make up for lost time. And the gym was like SEVEN THOUSAND DAMN DEGREES. I had so few electrolytes at the end of our workout that I could barely put three words together. I stopped and got Schlotsky's for dinner purely out of lust for the roughly swimming-pool-sized unsweet tea that comes with their - also tasty - vegetarian sandwich, and cranked the AC in the car. Then I came home, delighted in the fact that my dining room table is still clear enough for me to eat dinner there, showered, and commenced with the lump-like laying. It was needed. Of course, the caffeine from the unsweet tea kiddie pool was not, and now it's 10:30...but, I digress. Longly).

And then, I started thinking about the conversation I had with my shrink last night, which entailed things like, "So, I've decided to make Gomer stop weighing me during our assessments (one of which is due soon. I'm hoping he forgets). Because the number is kind of irrelevant at this point. I think the measurements and body fat analysis are more meaningful, but as my body composition changes, that actual number doesn't mean shit. Like, I calculated my lean body mass the other day, which turned out to be X. And then I back calculated what my goal weight would be if my lean body mass stayed exactly the same - which it's so not gonna, if I keep this up - and I were 25% body fat, which is reasonable, and it was Y." She says, "Okay. And?" I blinked at her and said, "Well...I dunno, people who weigh that much can't possibly be healthy, right? I mean, what doctor's going to be like, your BMI (speaking of totally meaningless measurements) is like seven billion, but good work, you're not unacceptably fat anymore?"

Yes, I know. I did go to medical school, remember? I didn't even wait for her to give me the "you know you're being irrational, right?" look to point out that I was being ridiculous.

So I'm thinking about this tonight, and was trying to remember the formulas for basal metabolic rate and caloric need and blah blah blah, thinking about getting more strictly back on the meal plan my wonderful dietitian from a few years ago devised (she's in Florida. And not answering email), and feeling like that might not actually cover my BMR, which, is sort of the anti-answer. So I Google, and follow some links, and then I end up with three new blogs I totally love and a rant about why being fat is the last acceptable bias and this crazy, evil, awful woman who's crusading against fat people. Because we're just that gross, or something, I don't know why she feels the need to do anything besides shut the fuck up (because, really? REALLY what she should do).

But, now it's 10:40, and I do have to go to work tomorrow, and I decided I'm going to table that blog post for Love Thursday. But to give you a hint at the coming attractions, watch this:

(I so love her)

(Also...shit. I guess this means I need to actually write something useful on Thursday...)


Anonymous said...

Hm! you better blog------I would have to "see, talk, blog" a Dr. for my morning fix.

Are you available-----hee hee

How is Mags and what are you knitting?

My White Sox socks are almost done.
Enjoy enjoy carol

Julie Hoover said...

I was totally nodding along with the whole Gomer shouldn't weigh you thing. I worked with my trainer for like 9 months and ended up in the best shape ever (i've been a slug since I moved, but that's not the point) but only ever lost like 10 pounds. For me it is NOT about weight..it is about how I feel..and if I am still funny.gotta be funny..skinny chicks...not as funny as me...

DK said...

Dude. You're way funnier than those skinny chicks! And moving is a total excuse for slug-dom. Do you have a new gym/trainer picked out in Chicago?

Julie Hoover said...

Nothing picked out yet..but I've been considering it. There's a place connected to the building I work in..or theres one in my neighborhood...just not sure which one I'd go to the most. I am leaning towards the one by work, but thats only good if I continue to go in most day. Maybe a coin flip is in order.

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