Monday, June 15, 2009

You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.

(which is a reference to this song. In case you missed it)

It's Last Call, people.

Barring extenuating circumstances, tonight is my very last overnight in-house call EVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE. This boggles my mind, because as an OB, I could've still been taking call the day I retired. Psych? Notsomuch.

This is beautiful.

It's also really, really weird.

And it's also 2am. So, I'm going to stretch out on our little pink chair for the last time and get some zzzs in while I can...


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you for completing another mile in the exciting "road of life"

Speaking of going 'home'---read your reply to the July Swap. Sorry to miss you on your visit. Know you will make time to see the gals.


Enjoy carol

Tiny Tyrant said...

Woo hoo!

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