Saturday, June 06, 2009

One-day weekend

Tomorrow? Is my very very last weekend call EVER. Which - thank GOD, because I hate weekend call, and tomorrow looks crazy busy.

But, nonetheless, I'm on tomorrow, so of course I had to try and cram a whole weekend into half the time. I slept in (sort of...I didn't actually sleep that late, but I refused to get out of bed). Gomer kicked my ass. A lot. There were wind sprints involved (Or as I like to think of them, "wheeze sprints." I had to go get my inhaler...argh) and throwing of 15lb medicine balls. And then I was going to do more time on the treadmill, but, damn, I was just finished. So I did a five minute cooldown and then took my funky, sweaty self over to the Whole Paycheck, which entailed buying a zillion pounds of fruit (I was hungry and had no oxygen going to my brain...), two bottles of this Syrah that I like (on sale. Much better price), and standing in the frozen food section for a good long while trying to remember what I was supposed to buy (see above re: lack of sugar/oxygen). I drove home, hung out with Maggie, showered, napped a little, and then had a nice night out with Peng - makeup fussing (wedding is in FOUR WEEKS. Ack! Where's my dress?!), then wine tasting (I acquired a nice Riesling) and dinner (not awe-inspiring, but decent). And then we went back to her apartment and she fed me homemade mint-chocolate chip ice cream, which Chef made with fresh mint that they had grown in their kitchen window. Seriously awesome. Plus, we're making headway on having a plan for the bachelorette party/wedding weekend festivities. So, really, rah.

But, looking at the consult list I have to cover tomorrow, I'd better get to bed. I don't need to be in until about half an hour later than I usually do (call starts at 8:30), but I have to drop Mags off at the spa first. She's excited. I think I'm going to have them give her a pedicure while she's there. I don't think she's very excited about that...

Last weekend call EVER folks. That? That's definitely exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One old memory is left behind---that is a good thing----and a new memory will begin-----

another good thing

good luck with the new one!
Enjoy that last weekend-----Carol

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