Saturday, November 01, 2008

Crap, how did that happen?

So I've been composing this big, long, rambling post in my head all day - in between a very busy day of grocery shopping mishaps and scaling Dish Mountain (for the first time in, like, two weeks - ew) and watching House on the DVR and burying my nose in this book, which one of my adolescents showed up with last week - but suddenly it's 7pm and Ruthie is picking me up in like a minute so we can go eat dinner and then pick Peng up at the airport (coming in from Chicago, where she's been all week at a conference, lucky bitch. Not that I'm jealous or homesick or anything), and I'm still getting myself all switched around again and I'm going to need to go to bed when I get home and now all I have in me, apparently, is a big, long, rambling sentence. With excessive use of italics.

A useful post tomorrow, I promise. With pictures! Of what, yet, I don't know, but, pictures.

Oh, hey, and happy November. As you can tell from the sparkly new badge, it's National Blog Posting Month again (NaBloPoMo, as it were). Join me, fellow bloggers!! It's only 30 days! It's not even one of those long months!

1 comment:

Tiny Tyrant said...

I signed up for it this year.

If you need help sleeping, feel free to check it out. :-)

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