Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This is our moment.

(Read the transcript here.)

We all sat huddled around the TV at Sparrow's, watching this great orator, chills down our spines, history unfurling before us (yeah, I cried). We drank and toasted and hugged and talked about how we were going to tell our grandchildren about this night. We texted and talked to people around the country, and around the world. We yelled back at the screen, "Yes, we can!!"


Never, this early in my life, did I think I would see a black president.

This is historic beyond measure, my friends.

I firmly believe that this will be the man who leads us to better times. I believe that this will be the man who restores America as a respectable country and a solid world power. I believe this is the man who will bring us together as a nation.

Maggie believes this man will be true to his promise and bring us the First Beagle.

Don't disappoint, Mr. President.


Tiny Tyrant said...

Last night was the first time I ever heard him speak (don't do speeches much with my hearing and they always frak up the captioning).

I'm so glad he won. I was still at work when McCain conceded last night that I was shouting my full head off in the empty building.

It's a new era and I'm proud to be a part of it.

Anonymous said...


Barb Matijevich said...

I've just been in this quiet mood of hope and optimism all day. I'm so proud of the people of this country.

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