Monday, November 03, 2008

It's a little like Christmas Eve...

First of all, how sad is it that Obama's grandmother died this morning?

My fellow 'mericans (as our current embarrassment of a Commander in Chief would say). Tomorrow is, I think, and I've said it before, probably the most historic presidential election since George Washington. When the dust settles, we're either going to have a black president, or a female vice-president, either of which sets a remarkable new precedent.

So, get out there and vote. Be part of it. Tell your kids about it, your grandkids, some random kids on the street.

Plus, if you don't exercise your right to vote, you lose any right to complain about the government for the next four years.

So, if you haven't voted already,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you lose any right to complain about the government for the next four years

That's only if you vote for the loser.

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