Thursday, February 05, 2009

Look! It's a sock!

I know, exciting, right?

I figured out how to link my blog to Flickr. And upload pics from my phone to Flickr. I also wrote my personal statement (well, the first draft. Er, second draft) for my fellowship application, managed to make Netflix work on my computer (instead of having to use Peng's), and even took care of a couple of patients. I just went up to see a guy on the floor who fell in the bathroom. This went much better than my little old lady Sunday night who broke her hip in much the same way. This guy, I said, "Do you have any problems?" He says, "I got kicked out of my apartment."

I was doing really well for a while here, tonight. I stopped on the way in and got a triple grande mocha. Amazingly, that held me until about 4:30. The past hour has been a little, um, less energetic.

I also spent a little time reading my old blog posts from last May, when I was on my Child and Adolescent rotation. It was sort of nice to rehash was a hard time. Really activating, really difficult, really amusing.


Yeah, have I mentioned how bloody tired I suddenly am?


Lorna said...

A very nice sock, indeed! Glad you had a productive day! Those always make one feel better

Julie Hoover said...

How come my socks never turn out as nice as yours??? I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

Hey, these are very very nice. I wish I knew how to manipulate the dang Flicker to show you \


Enjoy Carol in tenn where is is going to be nice and our ice communities may get electric back on.

Tiny Tyrant said...

Is that the Koigu?

Nice work.

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