Saturday, February 14, 2009


Way later than I need to be up right now. Here's the gist of my day - got to bed late last night, woke up early to meet Gomer, who cancelled at the last second. Grumbled for a while, went to Starbucks, Target (even made a list this time and I still forgot half of what I needed! Argh), then the gym. Grabbed lunch, came home, took a wonderful nap. Then I somehow let myself get talked into going for sushi (part of the discussion over the last few days of where we were going to go tonight was Ruthie saying, "But Kate hates fish!" Which is true. But, alas, we were going out for Tyler's birthday, not mine, and so I make do...). Peng and I tried to be all accomodating and pick Tyler up but he now lives in the middle of nowhere and we got very, very lost. But we made it eventually, I got a minute to play with his roommate's dog (sooooooooooo sweet), and we weren't even the last ones there. It actually wasn't bad and my veggie roll was even quite good. And we had fun. We ended up back at Mike's and now it's far too late for me to still be awake but I'm texting with my patient who's in crisis, and wow, I really need to go to bed, because I'm (of course) on call tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boundaries... :P

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