Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bang bang

Love Thursday, in bullets. Er, bullet points...

bI have the world's best dog.
bAlso a rockstar shrink.
bAnd a very comforting mom.
bAnd I'm done driving to the coast for another week.
bAnd it was an amazingly beautiful day at the coast today. BEAUTIFUL.
bI got to go out with our social worker today. I like her. She feeds me lunch.
bI went to the gym despite my really not wanting to and it was a good idea.
bI met nice people at the gym.
bI actually cooked dinner. Pasta primavera (with broccoli, peppers, and then corn and edamame, which don't quite seem to fit, but, whatever). Yummy.
bMy dog is all cuddly and cute. Love her.
bBones is on. Well, via the DVR.
bI finished one sock yesterday. Except...well...does anyone have a suggestion for a stretchy bind-off to use at the top of the sock??
bIt's time for bed. That's the best news yet.
bYep. Those are tiny little bicycles. They amuse me.


Jen said...

I do have a suggestion for a stretchy bind off for a top of a sock.

I always k1, *k1, knit the two stitches on the right needle through the back loop, repeat from * to end. (I think). I always do this on my toe up socks and I never have a problem getting them on.

Good luck.

Julie Hoover said...

I am so glad your last point was the bicyles...because they are super cute!

I don't have a stretchy bind off..but on socks..if I am using say a #3 needle...for the bind off, I use a makes it less tight. Or sometimes I just make a ruffle at the top (if they're sort) and then bind off.

J said...

Here is a link to the Annie Modesitt bind off - stretchy and best yet EASY. I use it for everything now.

I want to know who your rockstar shrink is. I think I need a rockstar...

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