Monday, February 02, 2009

Things that seem hysterically funny when you've been awake all night.

Seriously. I had to turn the sound down to almost nothing, because otherwise I was laughing myself into hyperventilating fits.

Ahhh, those were the days, back before Doogie was gay. When Vinnie was annoying but kind of adorable, when gaggles of big-haired girls all secretly hoped Doogie would realize what a bitch Wanda was and dump her ass, and when Mrs. Howser was the original MILF to legions of boys in Hammer Pants.

Then again, I do still love me some NPH...

Tonight was the first night of Night Float, and it wasn't bad. I got all my dictations finished, all (er, well, most) of my filing done, and even saw a few patients. Some little old lady up on the floor broke her hip, and is off to the OR this morning, and she and the nurses are now in love with me and my liberal use of IV dilaudid for sweet little old ladies who fall and end up with impacted femoral neck fractures.

I'm a little more delirious than usual, though. I was supposed to see my shrink this morning, but then I called her to reschedule when I realized the last two sentences I'd written in the H&P I'd started at 6:30 on the patient I saw at 4:45 (it was now 7:30 at this point, if that tells you anything) made absolutely no sense. But I've since had caffeine (I couldn't help myself) and am a little more lucid, and, well, we'll see....

Tomorrow night (er, tonight, I guess, technically), I'm hoping for an equally calm night. Tyler's birthday is tomorrow (no, like, actual tomorrow, so, Tuesday, really), and Sparrow is on with me overnight, so she's bringing a cake to pull out at midnight. Plus, I really need to get some knitting done. And now that I've said that and angered the NF gods, well, I have this bad feeling we're going to admit the whole county...

Ooh. Wait. I live in this county. If I get admitted, maybe I could get some sleep....


Anonymous said...

Kate, lolol, where do you come up with some of this stuff?

Allison said...

Oh my goodness. The sunglasses with the neon arms...mine were orange. I loved it!

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