Saturday, March 14, 2009

One more reason...

...I'm glad I love my job.

Read this.

Are they kidding? The Eagles really "r" retarded.

(And yeah, Gigi, I'm totally thinking of you, here!)

It's been a lazy Saturday here. Last night was wicked. My intern and I were both up until like 4:30, and of course, I woke up at 4am on Friday for no apparent reason and couldn't go back to sleep, so I was dragging all day to begin with. I had a rare hole in my schedule yesterday afternoon, so I tried to go take a nap in the call room, which was cold and noisy and housekeeping tried to come in and it smelled, very weirdly, like institutional lunch. Cafeteria Salisbury Steak, to be exact. I don't know if that's really what they served yesterday, or if it was, like, the new paint in there or whatever, but regardless, sleep just wasn't happening. I tried to sleep there last night, too, but it was similarly awful. And the paging system went down, so they were doing all of this overhead paging....bleh.

But I did manage to get a little nappage in today, which was nice. It was one of those cold, rainy, nasty days, perfect for snuggling up with a puppy, watching Dollhouse, and sleeping. Sparrow, Ruthie and I went to this Turkish restaurant for dinner (it's a good thing my Greek grandfather is dead; that might have made him have a little stroke). It was tasty, but it was on Greek time - er, Turkish time - for sure. A fairly simple three course meal took over three hours. Good company, though, which was very nice.

Still. More sleep still needed. Gonna do that...

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