Thursday, March 26, 2009

Muddled ever have one of those days where there's just SO MUCH STUFF swimming around in your head that nothing cogent will come out?

No? Oh. Well, I'm having one of them.

Had intended to fly to the coast today, but it was foggy and there were too many people on the plane so I offered to not fly in the little tin can. It was a nice drive, actually. Foggy. I went out with one of the nurses, we found two of our four people, I was done by 1. Got some lunch, swung back, went to the gym. Had a pretty crappy workout - still trying to figure out all the reasons why. Came home, though, had a nice cuddle with my dog, and you know...that makes a lot of things all better.

So does a good night's sleep. I'm going to go pretend I might get one....

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