Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Fun with technology

So, you know how your computer has those little pictures in front of various links and things (icons, if you will)? Mine has been doing weird things with those icons lately, namely, swapping out staid icons that have been associated with links I've had for a while for whichever new flashy picture has come along from whatever random website I've been on. This seems to happen without rhyme or reason, and usually stealing pictures from sites I don't visit very often or have stopped by once. Which leads to some strange things. Like this:

(It might help to click to enlarge it)

WebCIS is our electronic medical record program at the hospital. But here? WebCIS is a potato.

This cracks me up.

Probably helps that I was a little cracked already...

1 comment:

robin said...

today, i have a burger icon for twitter. a twitterburger, if you will.

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