Tuesday, April 07, 2009


My day started thusly: The Tarheels won last night. I? Will confess to not caring enough to stay up and watch the game (I dunno, college ball was a lot more fun when I knew the guys on the court). So my day started shortly after midnight when my neighborhood erupted. People screaming, horns honking, and this freakin' news helicopter hovering over my house. I was not pleased. Some of us get up really damn early, people! I woke up a couple more times overnight, but, sadly, NOT when I was SUPPOSED to be up this morning. So I overslept, couldn't drag my ass out of bed when I did wake up, didn't shower...got coffee, went to work, and caught the Early AM Shuttle. Which, of course I was the last one on, and on the way out, my pager got stuck on the seat belt. And the case broke. Sending various things in various directions, and holding things up for several minutes while I groped on the floor of the van in the dark to find my pager.

I had a good therapy patient, and then a really annoying, chock-full Intake clinic (HATE Intake clinic), and then supervision, and then I made a break for it (as my afternoon was blissfully empty. My Tuesday afternoon clinic seems to be all feast or famine these days...the next few weeks aren't looking so hot) and went to Starbucks to spend a few more hours documenting. Whee.

By the time I made it to the gym a little after 5, I really wanted to hit things. Thirty minutes on the treadmill, then the elliptical, then the treadmill again did not help my mood much. But my rescheduled-rescheduled (and actually, I rescheduled it again, from this afternoon to tonight) session with my trainer helped. We did this circuit training thing that was all like running around, back and forth, ADD-like. It hurt (my knee is still sore), but for some reason or another after about five minutes it really amused me. Which was useful when he accidentally smacked me in the face with a resistance band.

I went to the Lowes Foods on the way home, forgot more things, and bought hamburger I intended to cook for dinner...except I got distracted by something shiny and forgot to buy anything to go with that (like, you know, buns).


But now I'm home, and showered, and dude, it's so time for bed (it's like 11:30. Fortunately, my Wednesdays start late). Oh, and hey, here's some good news - my cousin's husband's nephew, Sebastian, has his very own Comedy Central special this Saturday (details here). I think it's his second one, actually. Watch! Laugh! Enjoy!

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