Friday, April 24, 2009


So I'm trying to stay up late. Because I'm on night float next week (LAST WEEK OF NIGHT FLOAT EVER. EVER.) and am endeavoring to get my sleep schedule flipped. Not that it's going to work, but...well, whatever. Did I mention this is my last week of NF?

I had a long day. I had patients at 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2:30, 3:30, and 4:30, and, I had my yearly review with my program director at 2, plus a supposed lecture at 8 (the lecturer got stuck in traffic, so, I got about 30 minutes of solid administrative time out of the deal instead. Ahhh). I did have dinner with Ruthie, though, after all of this therapizing, which was very nice. We went to an Italian place in town and had excellent food and this really, really good pie. Mmmm.

And somewhere towards the end of that evening we had a whole conversation about, if people in our residency were animals, what would they be? This was spurred on by a discussion of people's stupid nicknames on the blog (Fang, Gomer, May and June, Mike and Ike, Benny, Martha, Faye, Rene, Tony and Cleo, etc, etc, etc, but most notably leading to the former conversation were, of course, Sparrow and PenguinShrink).

Somehow...Ruthie decides that I'm a Care Bear.

Cracks. Me. Up.

I tried to tell her they weren't real. Her answer? "Please. Of course they are."

She decided I'd be a pink Care Bear, with cute little bear ears, who was really very cuddly. I've decided this makes me Love-a-Lot Bear (who was one of my favorites when I was six. I definitely had the little jointed action figure).

I could be Love-a-Lot Bear.


Barb Matijevich said...

That sounds just about perfect to me.

Anonymous said...

I have known you all of your kife and I could not have picked out a more appropriate Care Bare for you. You had them all.


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