Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Take your boob and go home."

So, everybody caught Sebastian Maniscalco's show on Comedy Central, right?

Funny guy (of course he is, he's family). It cracks me up, actually - he's clearly, clearly related to his dad (whom I adore), and his uncle (who's the one who's married to my cousin). But he's totally a dead ringer for the impression my cousin's eldest daughter does of her stepdad. Which is hysterical (and remarkably accurate) in its own right. And I enjoy hearing about my family on television.

In other news, I met my new landlords today. Who basically told me they don't really want to rent the place out anymore. So, I guess I'm moving. I've been fussing with that decision for a couple of months now... guess that makes the decision pretty easy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hm! Sorry you have to move again!


Happy Easter!

Enjoy your day Carol

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