Here's the latest installment. I went to see the podiatrist this morning. First of all, he was AN HOUR LATE. Allegedly because half the nursing staff called out, but, dude. I see patients every damn week before our office staff even gets there. So, fine, I walk the half mile to the other side of the hospital where the podiatry clinic is, I go to the, like, eight different places I have to go before I can get to the actual clinic (registration. Oh, no, that's the wrong registration. So to the other one. Then to the check in. Then to the clinic desk...) and then I sit for an hour. The podiatrist looks at my feet and pokes at my feet and makes me stand on my feet and my toes and my heels. So then he announces my feet suck. Apparently I have what's known as a "flexible flat foot" - my arches are really high when I'm not weightbearing, but the moment I actually stand up on them, my whole foot collapses. I also have Achilles tendons that are way too tight. And anterior shin splints. And general hypermobility of my bones. Somehow my feet are not especially suitable for walking.
So he made casts of my feet for orthotics (after which he set them on the counter and said, "See? See why it hurts to walk?") and prescribed me these big silly splints that I'm supposed to wear when I sleep. They're supposed to passively stretch my heel cords.
Sexy as they are...y'all, I can't even keep socks on my feet at night. I'm not feelin' this...
Did I mention...::sigh::...?
Remember what we used to call ourselves? Now we can be "Libra Kates, with hair, flat feet and custom orthotics." Hmmmm.....
HM! Socks at night!
How about putting your socks on first AND then the "sexy boots" made for walkin in your sleep!
Maybe you will meet up with Nancy Sinatra! ! !
Enjoy Carol
Dude, I am soooo sorry. I feel your pain, I really do. I will say that you just HAVE to do what the doctor orders because immobility sucks WAY worse than cold feet.
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