Sunday, August 09, 2009

I mean really though

Weekend coverage somehow turned into two full workdays. Yesterday I got in before 7 and left at 2-ish. Today? Left my house 10 minutes earlier, got there ten minutes later (right about 7), and left 11 hours after that. And in that, spent like three non-consecutive hours fighting with one of my outpatients who's now inpatient and is being a brat.

Here's a tip, people - one of the most annoying characters is the help-rejecting complainer. You get one or the other; either ask for help or bitch about what's wrong with people trying to help you, but not both. Otherwise, soon enough, you have no one around to listen to either.

Except masochists like me.

Holy crap am I tired...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brats and Crap I guess go together

unless one is OAO

and then different as in


enjoy Carol

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