Saturday, November 03, 2007


No, it isn't screwed up pig Latin. It stands for National Blog Posting Month and is apparently this online community thing where bloggers agree to post every day for the month of November. I was reading about it on Jen's blog and thought, what the hell is that? And then I clicked on the little link and was like yeah, yeah, whatever, until the point where they said:

"The Groups tab will help you find other likeminded individuals. I'm looking at you, knitting bloggers."

Now, it's not that I actually consider myself a knitting blogger (because we all know how much knitting is going on around here these days), so for no real good reason, that cracked me up. And I said, okay. I'll toss in my two cents. I've been bad about posting lately, and it's been bugging me, so maybe this will be good motivation (not sure how well this will work with my call schedule, either, but hey). And there's a cool button. I don't think I'm eligible for fun prizes or whatnot, because I didn't actually figure this out until November third, but, you know, whatever. We'll see how it goes...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm all about anything that brings us more Kate.
That said, I'm still not participating. Have fun.

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