Thursday, November 22, 2007

Well, frankly? No shit.

How is this "counterintuitive"? We fat folks have known it for years. No kidding, being fat isn't a be-all, end-all, horrible health-stealing death sentence. And maybe it's even possible to be fat and healthy. Shocking!

I especially liked the Harvard epidemiologist who called the study "rubbish," more or less invoking the "because I said so" defense (but it just can't be! It can't! Fat people are scary! They all must die, if only from their sheer repulsiveness!). Which, really, doesn't stand up in the peer-reviewed literature very well. Moron.


LizzieK8 said...

Great post. I'm so tired of my doctor saying I have diabetes because I'm overweight. Of course, my blood sugar is just a tad high and it's not diabetes...but hey....

Same with HBP. I don't have HBP. I have social anxiety, don't like doctors and my blood pressure goes up when I'm there....

Anonymous said...

Have you seen Leonard Nimoy's latest project?

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