Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Somebody's gettin' on my nerves...

(Missed the reference? Click here. Before I forget that I'm a lady and give 'em what they deserve.)

People are driving me crazy tonight.

Today was a weird ass day. It was Wednesday, so all the Family residents scampered off to their academic stuff all morning. Which meant it was pretty much just me and Mike and a bunch of attendings. We rounded, I got my notes done, and was more or less ready to leave at noon. It was a nice morning, actually. Mike and I got stuff done, Betsy was gone...and then the attendings started talking about how Sarah, my attending from two weeks ago (remember her?) was in the ER and coming on to the Family Medicine service as a patient.

I like Sarah. She's kind of a lot sometimes, but she's a really good person. And we'd already agreed that we needed to stay friends after she relinquished her position of authority over me. So I went down to the ER to make sure she was okay, offer to take care of her dogs, whatever. We got to chatting and I said, Red Team's admitting, but you know they're going to let you decide whatever team you want to be on, so I'm sure you're just as good to go on Green. And she says, can I come to the your team? I said, of course. And promptly called the covering attending and told her that Sarah wanted to come to the blue team and I was already down there, I'd do the H&P and take her on as my patient. Even though, you know, I'm on call and thus the admitting resident tomorrow.

The attendings appreciated it. Sarah appreciated it. I'm not sure the on call residents were as thrilled, but, should they really care? It's an admission they didn't have to do.

And then I discovered my really manipulative patient we discharged last Friday was back. The one who was so freakin' personality disordered and like ate my whole day and then frakkin' Betsy comes in and plays right into the manipulation and triangulation and the next day we discharge her and she wants Betsy to be her real doctor (a-ok with me, sister, even though someone in my line of work is so much more what she needs. But, please, go play dueling Borderlines, with my blessing) and Betsy sends her out the door with pain meds. Wait, let me rephrase: Betsy sent a known narcotic dealer and abuser out of the hospital with prescriptions for oxycodone, oxycontin, and ambien.

My mind boggles at the street value alone of this little hospital stay...

So she's back. First, the on-call resident tries to get me to do that H&P too, even though, um, I'm NOT ON CALL TODAY. And then Mike and I decide that she clearly needs to be Betsy's to follow, because the patient and I do not get along (because I'm a hardass that sets limits), and because she's technically Betsy's primary care patient, Betsy should see her anyway. So I gave B the courtesy of text messaging her this info - she's yours to follow in the am, and oh by the way, we picked up Sarah on our service. The flurry of texting that ensued just pissed me off on so many, many ways. Suffice it to say, I'm seeing the sociopathic patient in the morning, along with my other four patients. Despite the fact that I'm on call tomorrow and thus admitting. Know why I have to see her? Because Betsy has afternoon clinic, and so she can't possibly see ONE FUCKING PATIENT tomorrow.

I'm so ready to be done with her. Which will be Monday. And I have the whole weekend off. Thank God.

And just to add injury to insult to this day, Mike and I escaped the hospital about 3 and went to this cute place in Carrborro for lunch. I fell down. On the way in, before I'd even had anything to drink. In the middle of the street. Tripped over my shoe. In the middle of the street. Boom. Scraped my elbow. Felt like a moron. Mike, fortunately, picked me back up, hugged me, and then plied me with really good alcohol. It was an excellent response to the situation. I still feel like a moron. But at least lunch was good.


Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I totally got the title before the prompt even? One - you are way too nice. Two - Betsy's rapidly moving to Queen Bee status in my mind. Three - you have dinner plans on Saturday. Check your e-mail...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Betsy (ditzy?) is the narcotic dealer! I suppose our tax dollars are filling those prescriptions?

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