Thursday, February 21, 2008

Oh! And!!!

I missed Barb's birthday. Primarily because I didn't know it was coming, but now it's been, I mean, I think it was TWO WHOLE DAYS AGO. So, everybody, say it with me,


So glad the Random Fairy got us together!!! Also glad you're moving like 12 hours closer to me. Incredibly glad you can hear and understand me the way you do, even though I'm quite sorry about the reasons that's sometimes true. Mostly I'm just really glad we're friends.

1 comment:

Barb Matijevich said...

It occured to me that it wasn't the Random Fairy after all. It was the Sock Fairy. Specifically the Sock KNITTING Fairy.

So much of the goodness in my life these days can find its genesis in knitting socks.

Thank you for thinking of my birthday in the midst of all you have going on. And for all that is wonderful about you that is way too much to enumerate here but makes my "top ten best things that ever happened to me" list.

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