Monday, February 04, 2008

What alternative did I have?

So I ended up not going to the Superbowl party last night. Partly because I was grumpy and tired and tired and also grumpy. But also partly because the dog made a very convincing argument that I should stay home:

I mean really though. How could I argue with that??

So we stayed in and ate takeout and alternated between the Law and Order marathon on USA and Puppy Bowl IV on Animal Planet. And I worked on some discharge summaries and did some dishes and we almost made it to bed early. And then this morning she leaps into bed with me the moment she decides I'm awake, and was all, yay! You're still home!! And I was like, do you need to make this so difficult every single day, pooch? Like it wasn't hard enough to get out of bed right now anyway....

Ultimately, I did once again fall prey to the snuggling. But I'm still going to work, just about ten minutes later than I'd planned....


Anonymous said...

Seriously, you have to quit your job and stay home with the dog.

Paige said...

I watched part of the Puppy Bowl last nite and laughed like a damn fool. Only really messed up people would not be won over by that

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