Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On conversations, fantastic

Today was a long, long, long freakin' day.

We had one little girl scheduled in child clinic this morning. If I played my cards right, we'd be totally wrapped up with her by 10:30 and then I could spend the morning finishing my reading for tonight and doing stuff I needed to do, then I could get through my afternoon clinic well paced and all dictated, and then leave with plenty of time to get dinner and coffee before my psychoanalytic courses started tonight. Ahh, what a nice idea.


So, instead of seeing the clinic girl, Dr. B sent me out on a consult. Which was cool, because usually the child fellows do the consults. So I put on my best authoritative fellow-like attitude and found my way over to the children's hospital. Where I saw this girl, and talked to her dad, and putzed and futzed as appropriate and finally left the floor after 11:30.

I spent the next hour, of course, and every other moment of free time I had this afternoon finishing that stupid consult note. Because I want to be thorough. Except that really, I want to keep Dr. B thinking I'd someday make a wonderful actual child fellow, and, I derive a fiendish little thrill from comparing the generalists' two-line social history to mine, which is, of course, like four paragraphs in a case like this. Plus, why collect the information if you're not going to put it somewhere?

My afternoon clinic was, blessedly, full of relatively stable patients. Well, sort of. I got through it. Didn't dictate a single note. I'll deal with that on the flip side. I bolted out of the building at quarter to 6, sat in traffic, dashed through a drive through, and made it to class with about 15 seconds to spare.

My first class, on Borderline Personality Disorder, which is co-taught by Dr. Jabba, was nice, actually. It was a nice group, a good topic, and a comfortable, conversational dynamic. The second class...well...two of my fellow students are one of the 1st year child fellows and my very favorite attending ever, Dr. Rosie. And I'm sure it'll be interesting. Maybe later. As for tonight...I...the distinguished 2008-2009 Raft Fellow of the PECC...was nodding off. In a class of four people. Not very distinguished. We would've been fine if either we got to play along or if the teacher hadn't kept rambling for an extra HALF HOUR beyond our designated finish time.


Tomorrow should be better. Thursday will be long. Friday I'm on call. Ugh, this week.


It rained today. Which was lovely when I woke up...it was rainy, and dark, and cold in my room, and oh, just perfect for sleeping. But, no, I had to get up, damn it. And I looked at my dog, and I looked at the rain, and I thought....oh....I bet she's so not even going to use the doggie door today...

...so I get home, and...well, the following scene ensues:

Me (on the phone with my dad): blah, blah, bl-...oh, hell. It smells like dog shit in here. I knew this would happen today.
Maggie (in Dog): Ohmigosh! It's Kate! It's you! You're home! Ohmigosh! I thought you'd left me! I thought you'd left me foreeeeeeeever! FOREVER!! But you're back! And now you're here! And back! And ohmigosh...did you bring any food?? No, oh. Well, that's okay! because you're home! Wowie! Wowie!!!!
Me (in English): Yes, yes, hi, baby. Dad, I've got to go clean up the poop.
Mags: Wowiewowiewowiewowie! You're home! I'm so amazed! You came baaa-aaaaa-aaaaaack!
Me: Oh, yes, yes, yes, I love you too. Still have to go pick up the poop on my FLOOR.
Mags: Oh! But! See! I have the wiggles! I'm so wiggly I can't sit still! Because you came home! Look! It's the helicopter tail!! Aren't I so cute? Aren't I just so cute? How can you be mad at me?! Helicopter tail! Helicopter taaaaail!
Me: Okay, that is awfully cute. But, um, poop....
Mags: What? Who? I didn't do anything. Me? What?
Me: (grumbling about poop picking up)
Mags: Doot do do....think I'll go over, um, this way...
Me: What, have you been holding it in for the last three days or something?? And what's with all the pee? (Continues poop-related grumbling on way to washer) At least you managed to hit the towels that were on the floor from the roof leaking...uh, mostly...
Mags: Wow! The fan is on! Look at it go!
Me: Awww, man, I think I stepped in pee!
Mags: So comfy right now up here....ahhhh....oh! There you are again! Look! I'm on the bed! Aren't I just so cute!!!?
Me: You're in my spot.
Mags: I know!! It's so exciting! Isn't it?? Come on, say it!
Me: No.

Mags: Come on! Look at the cuteness! Look! I winked at you! I'm so cute!!
Me: No.
Mags: Come on!!!!
Me: Fine....(sigh) Look! Someone put a puppy in my bed!!
Mags: Awww! That's the ticket! Look, it's my belly!!!!
Me: Dude, I just scooped like eighteen pounds of poop off the FLOOR.
Mags: Belly! Belly! Belly!
Me: Fine..........

I'm such a sucker.


Tiny Tyrant said...

Oh boy. It's gonna be a long wet season if you don't break her of that my dear.

Good luck. And yeah she's so VERY lucky she's cute.

Barb Matijevich said...

Same thing going over here. Only, sort of heartbreaking because Syd is... confused and failing fast. You rub that Mags for me and tell her she has to EARN pooping in the house priveleges by never doing it until she's ancient. Because then you won't mind so much.

Good GOD--it's like some test from hell. My word verfication is loipwmdd. I'll never make it.

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