Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Long-ass Tuesday...

Ai dios mio.

So I get to work today....and oop, it's like I never even left.

A, the damn pediatricians discharged my kid last night. Fortunately, his parents are responsible enough to have brought him back in today as a direct admission. Stupid, freakin'...oy.

But even better than that....right after I walked in the door, I get called into morning checkout and told that one of my patients that I admitted from clinic? Never showed up on the floor.


And, uh, why is this just being addressed now?

I found her. She was fine, thank God. I convinced her she needed to come back. Apparently she'd told one of the clinic staff she was going home to get some clothes and they said, oh, okay! And then she got home and thought, you know, maybe I'm okay...

Who didn't see THAT one coming?


So, everyone's in the hospital now. But I missed my entire morning clinic because of all the fussing. And was really stressed out.

And then I had afternoon clinic and class tonight and I? Am so just giving up on this day. Good night, y'all. If you need me, I'll be hiding under my covers....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you must be a damn good shrink to get a patient to come back from home!

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