Friday, January 30, 2009

Am I on something, or does she actually sound smart??

More from Funny or Die.

Loves it.

Today was loooooooooooooo(ooooooooooooooooo)ng, yo. My 7am therapy patient didn't show, but that didn't mean that *I* wasn't already there. And then I had lecture at 8, a conference at noon, and the rest of the day was booked solid with therapy patients until 5:30. Seriously, my day was packed so tightly it was like therapizing sardines. And then tonight we had a party at Doc G's for all of the candidates back for the second-look weekend (part of the whole new resident recruitment thing). And tomorrow morning I have to meet Gomer at 8:30, then be at Cleo's at 10 for brunch, and then there's a tailgaiting thing at 4 or 5 I might go to....and then, Sunday night....I start week #3 of night float.

Right now? I'm tired, bitches.


Julie Hoover said...

Tom Jones...Sexbomb?

I request some Neil Diamond...or the BeeGees...

This day is never I know how you feel...gym at 7:30..the sky falling since 9:00 and I am still trying to fix things. I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel though..(fingers crossed tightly)..

Julie Hoover said...

Im like a blog stalker..sorry..but I wanted to comment on the Paris Hilton. I actually think she's really not dumb..and just puts on an act...and is making a ton for it! So that is REALLY smart..but not that hot...

Tiny Tyrant said...

Bitches? You calling us dogs honey? ;-)

Well given how much you like yours, thanks.


Get some sleep.

Julie Hoover said...

"devilish grin"...that's Lu-Lu-Ludicris who's having One more Drink. (I hope I'll be having more than one more drink later..) I am really impressed by the very wide musical genres from which you are pulling these.

Robin said...

I'm with Julie- Paris knows what she is doing with her dumb girl act. She's made millions doing it... Doesn't sound so dumb to me.

Tiny Tyrant said...

jumps up with a devilish grin, 'cause tonight, damn right, she might do it again!

Ludacris & T-Pain 'One More Drink'

Anonymous said...

Paris had better be making millions to keep up with her chosen lifestyle since granddaddy cut her off (I can't remember which number sex tape was the final straw).
However, she was surprisingly adequate in "Repo! The Genetic Opera"...

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