Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sixteen things

I've had a delightfully unproductive day. Mostly I slept of snuggled under the blankets staying warm. I did get a couple of things done - started my personal statement for fellowship (haven't written anything I actually like yet, but, whatever), had dinner with Peng and did a little bridesmaid-y planning, washed a dish or three. And I set up an appointment with Gomer, my real trainer for tomorrow (the trainer that did the intake and I talked yesterday and I told him, I think I want my weekly time to be Thursday night. So he assigned me to Gomer, and Gomer called today and was like, oh, I work early mornings...) before Peng and I go looking for wedding dresses. So tomorrow should be kind of busy.


I got tagged by Allison on Facebook for the 16 Things meme. So in keeping with today's theme of marginal productivity, I'm double dipping and using that for my blog post today, too...feel free to co-opt it for your own blogging pleasure if you'd like.

1. I really like North Carolina, but I struggle a lot with missing the people in Chicago.
2. I think Facebook is the best thing since email. I've really loved being able to reconnect with people with whom I'd fallen out of touch, and connect with people I see every day in a whole different manner. And I think that's awesome.
3. I have a weakness for crappy Lifetime movies.
4. I started blogging right before I moved to North Carolina in an effort to stay in touch with friends and family back home and let them know what was going on. I ended up making new friends from all over and learning a lot them and about myself. I don't have the largest readership of my little circle of bloggers, but I now have regular readers as far away as Alaska and Europe (hi!).
5. Re #4, it perpetually amazes me that anybody cares what the hell I have to say, or reads the drivel I write.
6. I think my dog is the best, cutest pup ever, and feel really blessed that she found me.
7. I really loved delivering babies, and sometimes wish I'd known enough to be a midwife instead of going to medical school.
8. Having said that, I totally love being a psychiatrist.
9. Having said that, I occasionally wish my patients would just shut up. (I get over that, though. And it usually has nothing to do with them. Although, once in a while...)
10. I think Greek Picnic Chicken could be the most perfect food, ever.
11. I'm terrified of schizophrenia. Not schizophrenics, but rather, the fact that it's never too late to be robbed of reality (women have a second peak in incidence after menopause). Likewise, dementia scares the heck out of me.
12. I get annoyed with how much I swear.
13. Once upon a time, I thought I'd be married with several kids by now. I'm actually glad that isn't true yet, but I'm starting to hope it will be sooner rather than later. I think that's a sign I'm making progress.
14. Things I've learned that I am not: a cat person, nor a New Englander. But that's fair, since I am many things. And, let's be honest - I still frequently like cats, and would probably do just fine if I moved back to New England.
15. I often think in song lyrics.
16. I frequently feel like the world's worst therapist, usually in session, and when I just don't know the right thing to say. I think that's part of what makes me a good therapist.

1 comment:

Lisa G said...

Love your blog. I'll be following, why don't you stop on over and check out my ramblings :)

Happy Sunday to you :)

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