Sunday, January 04, 2009

Airport blogging

So I'm sitting at the gate across from mine because mine didn't seem to have any available computer seats (Southwest has these great little bar things set up with stools and outlets. They're not the most comfortable seats in the right leg has been asleep for about ten minutes), and watching the 12:55 flight to Raleigh line up to board. It's currently 3 pm. But, at least they're boarding by the predicted delayed theory, we're leaving at 4:50. Don't know why we're delayed - it's grey and sad in Chicago, but I've heard it's wet and nasty in Raleigh. Still...

I've checked all my email, home and work. I've screwed around on Facebook. I've read I checked my EMR messages and looked at my schedule for tomorrow (and discovered I'm double-booked in the afternoon. Welcome back!!). I would take a walk, but my backpack is heavy and I can't feel my right leg. I'm tired. I'm cranky. And I'm, officially, bored.

Aren't you glad I decided that blogging seemed like the next logical thing to do?

It's been a good week. Hectic, but really nice to see everyone. As always, I find returning to my real life a little bittersweet, because I like my life, on the whole, but I invariably forget how much I miss everyone back home. My friends' kids are getting huge. Life, of course, moves on without me here. I think my assignment to Baby Blue was the best possible way things could've happened almost two years ago, but being here always stirs up the, "what am I going to do with myself in the long run?" question. There are a lot (LOT) of things I don't miss about living in Chicago (like this steel-grey day we're having) or that I like better about the south, but I really miss my family (genetic and otherwise). I don't know that the mental health opportunities I want exist up here, but, I guess I don't really know that. I like my life, and I anticipate that by the time I'm ready to make this decision, I'll have even stronger ties to the area in which I currently live, but...still....

Whatever, y'all. It's hopefully a good three and a half years before I have to actually make this decision. At least. And who knows how things might change between now and then. I'm just mopey. And exhausted.

Don't they have a nap room at Midway?? Oooh, but at least my flight's been moved up to 4:45...


Lorna said...

Hope you have a smooth flight! And are happily welcomed back by Miss Maggie!

Come visit again soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate!
Your post is exactly how I feel (including hanging out at the airport - I spend way too much time at airports) about living far away from home. I miss everyone when I'm gone, but sometimes when I'm home they can drive me crazy. It does feel weird that life continues while I'm far away, but everyone there would also be surprised to see that I do actually have a life here (some days I have a life here, anyway). I guess what I'm trying to say is hang in there, and I totally get where you're coming from if that helps at all. And no complaining - you missed the worst of the Chicago Christmas weather!!!

Anonymous said...

"Home" is where you "make it" physicial, mental, financial,famillal ( had to look up that final word) and go for it! ! !

Enjoy and know Maggie will be glad to see you and give hugs and kisses, alias slobbers.

enjoy Carol

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