Thursday, January 01, 2009

It's a whole new year!

Whew! What a frenetic couple of days it's been. Crazy, but delightful (just like me!).

Oh, my gosh, the last 48 hours have been wonderfully full of friends and frivolity, and oh, holy wow do my friends have the sweetest, cutest children ever. I spent a good deal of time in the company of two smart, completely adorable toddlers, and two absolutely amazing little infants (not all at the same time, or my ovaries might have exploded).

But wow, am I exhausted (suffice it to say, I didn't sleep a whole lot last night). And my uterus aches just a little....


Tiny Tyrant said...

Hugs honey.

Anonymous said...

I am not "fond" of babies----but LOVE the "little people". Just you wait till next year.

More than that thingee will ache

Enjoy carol who misses her kids big and now medium

Dr.VonB said...

You ARE crazy, but delightful!! Thanks for all of the support on my life-mess. I knew also that you of all people would understand my doggie distress (new post--wouldn't have thought more bad stuff could happen to us, huh?!?). If I weren't pregnant I would SO be hitting you up for all kinds of Get-Me-Through-It-God meds... But as the great philosopher of our time, Howard Jones, says: Things can only get better!
Happy New Year!

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