Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh - and!

Somehow in listing last night's weirdness, I forgot to mention the bulimic who called the crisis line and said he was going to eat himself to death.

No, really. I actually spent a good deal of time considering petitioning him...until he threatened me with Whoppers.

It was a weird day.

Fortunately, Peng showed up for night float and rescued me. I finished my last note, she ordered me to eat dinner (at 11:30, because, whoops, I forgot. Fortunately, girl's got my back). I got to sleep around 1, finally, and got a bit of sleep. I spent most of today running errands - I haven't managed to get the chapter read that I need to present at class tomorrow night, yet, but I did get to Starbucks, then the Lowes Hardware, then the gym, my shrink, the Whole Foods, the PetSmart (my groceries, then Maggie's, as it were), and even hit the Panera for lunch. AND I fixed the flapper on my toilet, so now it's not running through the entire water supply of North Carolina (it's so quiet in here....). And even did some dishes, and made some dinner, and screwed around on Facebook for a while. And still haven't read that chapter I'm supposed to present...but, I think I'm going to bed....


Tiny Tyrant said...

if this is what you are hyperventilating over, you better get that chapter read young lady.

DK said...

Nah, it's a guy (sort of). It's always a guy, isn't it?

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