Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Safety is Always a Concern"

Oy. Read this.

On the homefront, still waiting for the crusties. Still itchy. Still feeling like crap. Still watching a lot of Law and Order (well, what did you expect, I've seen all the episodes of CSI by now!). Really hoping to go to work on Friday. Stupid pox.

And as an aside, are any of you other Blogger users finding that NONE of the little buttons at the tops work anymore? Not the spell check, the hyperlink, the image tool, none of it. Argh!!


Valerie said...

Well, on the health front, it sounds like you are well on the road to recovery. Maybe you will build up a reserve and not be so tired when you go back. On the other, maybe NY is not a place to set up a practice.....

Anonymous said...

I wish crusties on you! Never thought I'd say that to someone nice. Do crusties mean you are no longer contagious? Is that why you are waiting for them?

Sarah said...

Ahhh! Get well soon! That is so not a fun disease to have.

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